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Friday, September 7, 2012

First week of school

We have finished the first week of grade 4!!!

Thank you for sending back all the forms so efficiently. Great job.

Here is a quick summary of what we have been doing in the classroom:

French: Conjugating verbes (1er groupe des verbes en "er") & writing "Mon Profil Personnel" about ourselves. These profiles will be presented in class next week so we can get to know our peers and teachers.

Physical Education: We went over the rules and expectations of the gym, created our squads and have learned some new warm-up games to get our blood flowing. Our first unit of the year will be soccer. We will be focusing on skills during the next couple of weeks as well as learning the rules and strategies to play the game.

Science: Habitats, habitats we love our habitats!!! We have started learning new vocabulary and the different types of habitats we can find in the world. Please review the following words with your child from time to time to reinforce what they mean and how they are spelt. Here our the first 10 words: environnement, prédateur, proie, chaine alimentaire, climat, température, habitat, écosystème, adaptation & animaux. I have added a section on the right with fun websites to learn about various habitats. These websites include games, activities, etc.

Visual Arts: We will always have art on Friday afternoon. Today we are creating "back to school supplies". The students have chosen various supplies they use and/or would like to on a sheet of 11 x17. The purpose is to create emphasis on the supplies by choosing bold colours and patterns to make them stand out.

Reading: I encourage the students to read for 10-15 minutes each night.

Homework: I have sent home a note explaining how our homework program will be set-up for this year. Please read it over with your child, sign it and return it to school next week. Homework will start on Thursday, September 13th.

Have a fantastic weekend !