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Friday, October 19, 2012

Math Update - Ms. O'Halloran

Looking at place value……

Over the next few weeks we will be extending our knowledge of place value.  Students will investigate numbers to ten thousand.
We will focus on reading, writing, comparing, ordering, and rounding numbers using hands on manipulatives and real life situations. 
Your child will also work with play money as students estimate, count, and write money amounts up to $50.
Please visit the Nelson website and link to Chapter 2 for games and mini lessons at home.

Math Vocabulary for Numeration
Ø     ones (unit)
Ø     tens (rod)
Ø     hundreds (flat)
Ø     thousands (cube)
Ø     place value
Ø     place value chart
Ø     model (draw)
Ø     standard form
Ø     expanded form
Ø     base ten blocks
Ø     number line
Ø     greater than (>)
Ø     less than (<)
Ø     round to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand
Ø     dollars
Ø     cents
Ø     bills
Ø     toonie
Ø     loonie
Ø     quarter
Ø     dime

   Here are some examples of student created numbers using manipulatives.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

English Update

Reading: Please continue to read at home to and with your child in English. In class students are learning to summarize (retell) a story and include all the characteristics of a story (characters, setting, problem, solution, plot) in their summary.
 Students are also learning about using surrounding words in a sentence and the context of a sentence to help determine an unknown word.
Students have learned how to partner read and have made their own partner reading bookmarks. Ask your child about Crazy Professor Reading (using gestures)!
Good readers make connections while they read to better understand and enjoy a text. As a class, we have developed an anchor for relating to a text based on The Name Jar. Students will continue to practice the skill of making connections using prompts such as:
& This reminds me of… (a movie, personal experience, a friend, another book, a song, a place, etc.)
& I remember…
& It makes me think of…
& This (character/setting, event) reminds me of… because…
& It makes me feel…
& That happened to me…
& This (setting, character, problem) is different/similar…
& This sounds like…
& I identify with…
Writing:  Students are learning to use order words (First, Then, Next, Third, Finally) when explaining their work. In addition, we have reviewed examples for their Writer’s Notebook and the expectations for their journals.
My Writer’s Notebook Expectations
 ü  I always begin with the date.
ü  For ideas I can use my own ideas/feelings/ observations, a writing prompt, or a picture.
ü  Each entry has a main idea and is focused. 
 I begin my writing in an interesting way (see the 6 great ways to start my writing).
ü  I can include pictures or diagrams.
ü  I include a variety of writing forms (short story, persuasive, poem, procedure, recount, movie review, letter, charts, lists, observations, thinking webs, journal, lists).
ü  I have written about different topics in my notebook.
ü  I always reread my writing. It is thoughtful and I have added ideas when necessary.
ü  I edit using the CUPS strategy (see the inside of your folder).
  Students shared their creativity with others this week (poems, stories, lists, charts, webs, journals).
Students are also learning how to use a thesaurus to expand their word choice and incorporate rich vocabulary when writing.
Parents may want to show their child how to access a thesaurus on a word processing program on the computer at home (Word, etc.)
Library: Library books are to be returned by Thursday. If your child is bringing home their library book in their knapsacks, you may wish to provide them with a ziplock bag to prevent the book from being damaged due to water, snow, etc.
At home ideas:
·        Read a picture book with your child and have them retell the story, including beginning, middle and end.
·        Incorporate reading time before bed.
·        After reading a book – ask your child – What was the author’s purpose in writing this book (persuade, inform, entertain)? Who is the author’s audience? What is the author’s message?
·        While reading, discuss connections you have to your own life, other texts you have read or the world.
Happy Reading!