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Friday, April 26, 2013

French Update

Dance/Drama class presentation

Date: Friday, May 31st

Time: 2:00-2:45 p.m.

Location: SPS gymnasium

Please let me know by May 23rd how many people from your family will be attending our performance.

Track & Field

I have sent home a note regarding volunteers for our track & field day at SPS on May 15th. If you are available to volunteer on the day please fill out the bottom portion of the form and send it back no later than next Friday, May 3rd.

We need 20 volunteers from 8:30-11:15 a.m. and also from 11:15-1:15 p.m.

We have been practising very hard this past week on the following events:

ball throw

We will start 1500m, 200m & long jump next week.

I am very impressed with how motivated the students have been. They are pushing themselves to improve their times and distances. Keep up the great work!

Please do not forget to send an outdoor pair of running shoes with your child to keep at school in order for them to participate in track & field events :-)

Scientists in School

The students had tons of fun last Wednesday during our "Pulleys & Gears" workshop. They learned how gears work, how to make and use a few types of pulleys and even had the opportunity to pull me :-)

Here are a few pictures from the workshop:

Here are the 4 main types of engrenages (gears):

Engrenage cylindrique

Engrenage à vis sans fin

Engrenage conique

Engrenage à pignon & crémalière

Our next science workshop is this coming Thursday, May 2nd from 11:30-3:00 p.m. in our classroom.

It is called "Don't take Rocks for Granite". Students will explore and learn about different types of rocks and minerals.

Milk Presentation

The students learned the importance of reading food labels and looking at specific areas such as the sugar, sodium and fibre content. They also identified how milk & milk substitutes affect/improve how our body functions.

Weekly French homework due:
Thursday, May 2nd
Library books due back no later than:
Thursday, May 2nd
Have a terrific weekend!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Math Update


Library books are due by Thursday.
Orange homework duotangs are due by Thursday.

We have begun reviewing the multiplication facts learned in grade 3 (up to 7 X 7 ) .
In a few weeks, we will be moving forward to review strategies and problem solving using multiplication facts up to 9 X 9.

Students may wish to visit www.multiplication.com to play some interactive games involving multiplication and solidify their understanding of multiplication concepts/facts.

Area and Measurement

Over the next few weeks, your child will be learning about standard area measurement units (cm2- square centimetres and m2 – square metres), including how to measure area using grids, how changes in shape affect perimeter and area, and how to solve area and perimeter problems.

 Throughout this time, you and your child can practice activities such as the following:
• You and your child can play the Area Logic game on Student Book page 217. (please feel free to ask your child to bring his/her textbook home at any time)
• Identify and discuss opportunities around the house where knowing how to measure area and perimeter are needed; for example, putting up a fence, laying sod, wallpapering a room, tiling a floor, and selecting a tablecloth for the dining room table.
• Look for area patterns at home; for example, pictures on a wall, tiles, fields, buildings, interlocking brick in patios and sidewalks, quilts, brick walls and fireplaces, and fabric.

Towards the end of the unit, students will be asked to create their own blueprint for a dream design. It can be the blueprint for a backyard, a zoo, a mall, a house etc…anything they can dream of that requires several different rooms or enclosures. This will be completed during class time and details regarding the criteria will be sent home for review.

You may want to visit the Nelson Web site at www.mathk8.nelson.com for review activities related to each lesson.
Here are some photos of student working together to develop their understanding of area and perimeter using manipulatives.