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Friday, October 26, 2012

French Update-Mlle Tessier


Science- Thank you for all bringing in a showbox and any additional materials your child would like to use when making his/her diorama. I anticipated starting this week however we needed to do a bit more research before starting. The students have made a rough copy of their dioramas and have found many interesting things to add in their project. The entire project will be completed at school starting Monday. Stay tuned for exciting photos!!

The Animal Classification cards are now complete. Yeah!! They look fantastic and I am really impressed with the clues the students have come up with. I will be making a book with all the card and will send it home with each student to show you their work starting next week.

Halloween Celebration: Don't forget Wednesday is Black & Orange day at SPS. We will be having a celebration in our classroom from 2-3:00 p.m. on Oct.31st. Thank you in advance for the following contributions:

*Cheese & Crackers

Social Studies- We will start our first unit on "Canada" around the middle of November.

Physical Education- We have been working very hard on different skills in our basketball unit (dribbling, passing, bounce pass, shooting, etc.). I have started to use music during our warm-ups and skill practises to encourage the students to keep moving and have fun :-) Today is our first day of playing a game of basketball.

French- For homework this coming week,I have sent home small books for each student to read.

I would like the students to focus on using proper expression, intonation and fluency. If they can read aloud to you that will help them hear themselves and for you to guide them.

Once they have finished reading the book, I encourage them to write 2 interesting facts they learned from the book as well as rate the book from 1-10 (1 being the lowest) and explain why they have given the book this rating. Remember to use details.

Writing- We are still focusing on conjugating verbs and using apporpriate word choices for different parts of a text (introduction, body, conclusion).

Here is a list of words they should use in their writing:

* premièrement
*pour commencer
*de plus
*en addition
*mais (but)
*un autre exemple
*une autre raison
*par la suite
*donc (therefore)
*en conclusion

Please encourage your child when completing homework to use capitals at the beginning of a sentence, proper punctuation at the end or in the middle.