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Friday, September 14, 2012

Week # 2

Homework: Ms O'Halloran & I have started our homework program. The students English work can be found in an ORANGE duotang and their French work in a YELLOW duotang. I have added an outline in the yellow duotang to help guide them. The students do not have to complete the homework on those particular days. I understand how difficult schedules can be with extra-curricular sports and family engagements which is why we give everyone a full week to complete the assigned homework.

Scholastic: I have placed an order for anyone who has sent in forms. Please note that these items should arrive before the end of next week (Sept.21st). When they arrive I will send them home with your child.

If you would still like to place an order for the September catalogues, I will be accepting order forms until Sept. 24th.

What we've been up to this week:

Sciences: We have learned about what type of habitat and food for a raccoon. We have discussed the difference between 'climat' & 'temperature" as well as noted the differences & similarities between habitats. All habitats must include "les besoins vitaux" which includes water, food sources, air, sun, soil and space. I have addd 2 more fun websites to help the students learn more about habitats.

We will be building terrariums next week. I will post the various types of habitats we are creating online at the end of the week. Stay tuned!!

Physical Education: More drills to improve our soccer skills which included strategies to help block a ball, throw a ball and kick a ball to a specific target. We talked about the importance of warming up their muscles before starting any physical activity to avoid injuries. We played a new game called "elimination soccer stations". If you are feeling adventurous this weekend, please ask your child to show you how to play :-)

French: We read a text entitled "Silence!" that focused on the importance of keeping quiet during library time. While reading this text together we worked on using surrounding words to help us understand new words as well as underlining key words.

Have a fantastic weekend!!!!