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Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy end of September!

Ms O'Halloran and I enjoyed meeting parents and siblings last night at Meet-the-Teacher.

Thank you for visiting our classroom and catching a quick glimpse of what the students have been working on during the month of September.

Bill Mason Centre: I have sent home a note with reminders about what to bring for our field trip on Monday (please check your child's agenda today). We will be outdoors all day (rain or shine). My fingers are crossed that the weather will cooperate and the sun will be shinning!!!

I would suggest that your child wears rubber boots and maybe brings an older pair of running shoes. We will be playing a game called "Predator & Prey" in which the students will be running around the forest like the game of tag.

  • Students who are part of the the milk program will be given their milk once we return to school.
  • Students who have any medical concerns or allergies please do not forget to bring your Epi pens and/or puffers. I will be carrying your extra Epi pen with me throughout the day.

Parent volunteers
  • I will meet you in the office on Monday morning around 8:40 a.m.
  • Remember to bring a "litterless lunch" and drinks to keep hydrated.
  • I believe the adults will be included in the game of "Predator & Prey" therefore I would suggest wearing comfortable clothing and shoes.
  • Thank you again for volunteering!!

Presentations: The Actualité presentations will begin Tuesday, Oct.9th. Please make sure your child has a Bristol board with the following information:

  1. An explanation of the token (with specific details)
  2. Pictures/drawings/photos
  3. Creative titles, letters, texture and lots of colour
 I will be looking for expression and eye contact. I encourage the students to have a catchy introduction to get my attention. Please note that the students are not expected to memorize the entire presentation. I would like them to feel comfortable with their topic.
  • Next Friday, October 5th is our first P.D. day of the year.
  • Also please note that Monday, October 8th is Thanksgiving.
  • There is no school for students on both days.
  • Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends :-)

Physical Education: We have learned a new game called "Keeper of the Castle". This game focuses on the students coming up with strategies and working together as a team. We have also continued to play "Elimination Soccer Stations" a couple of times as it was a huge hit with the class. This game also requires some strategy work and soccer skills.

We will be starting our unit on Basketball next week. This will continue through the month of October. At the end of the unit I will be sending home a rubric for you to sign.

Language: Please continue to read with your child in both languages if possible. It is important for them to see new vocabulary and learn how to decode the words.

In French we have been working on using surrounding words in a sentence to help find the meaning of an unknown word. I have been encouraging the students to write down "new words" when they are reading and look them up either at school or at home to help expand their word bank.

At the moment we are writing paragraphs about habitats. We will be typing our good copies on the computer shortly.

Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We have a new Library Day

Our library day has switched from Friday to Thursday.
Students will visit the library in the morning with Ms. O'Halloran. They may sign out one French and one English book for a week. To prevent water damage, we have suggested that students use a Ziploc bag to transport their books back and forth from school.