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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

French Update

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who accompanied us to the Bill Mason Centre last Monday, October 1st. The weather cooperated and we had a terrific, fun-filled day outside :-)

Our next field trip will be to the Museum of Science & Technology at the end of February.

Presentations: I have uploaded the calendar onto the blog. It can be found on the right hand side.

Science: We are approaching the end of our unit on Habitats. The students final task will be to build a diorama of a specific habitat. They will need to include everything necessary to create a "real" habitat ecosystem. 

I will be sending home all the information about this project later this week.  To complete this project, each child will require a shoe box as well as any supplies that they would like to use to create their habitat. I will be providing the students with white glue, string, paint, masking tape, plasticine and a few other things. Should your child wish to use other supplies please send them in. The entire project will be completed at school.

Writing: We are focusing on using specific sequence words and transition words. For example the students must be able to recognize and use appropriate words when starting an introduction, conclusion, etc. and use a variety of words instead of always using the same ones (ex. aussi, parce que, car, etc.).

Reading: Please continue to read at home to and with your child in French. We are currently reviwing how to summarize what we read, find the main idea and also make inferences.

Physical Education: Our unit on Basketball has officially started. We have practised dribbling and passing.

Health: Over the next month we will be learning and discussing the topic of"Bullying". The students will learn the various types of bullying and how we can protect ourselves and our friends from it. I will be asking the students to create skits and posters to promote awareness of bullying and how we can stop it.

Halloween: I will be having a small celeration on Wednesday, Oct.31 from 2-3:00 p.m. in the classroom.

If you would like to send in a healthy snack please email me at natalie.tessier@ocdsb.ca.

Please remember that we have peanut, nut and shellfish allergies.

I am looking for the following contributions:

Cheese & Crackers