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Friday, March 8, 2013


Happy Friday everyone!

Miss O'Halloran & I would like to wish everyone a fantastic March break. We hope you will all have some time to relax and enjoy the spring weather :-)

A few reminders...

Commercial presentations begin Tuesday, April 2nd after Easter weekend. I have sent home the criteria as well as the calendar. If you require an additional copy or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. The commercial is to advertise a "new" classroom tool.

Canada cumulative project

The students have been working extremely hard on their Power Point or brochure project about a specific province.territory. We are hoping to finish these up by the end of March. Once they are complete, if you would like a copy of the presentations please send in a USB stick with your child and I will save a copy onto the stick. :-)


I am very impressed with how quickly and motivated the students have been during this dance unit. We have 2 minutes fully choreographed and memorized!!! There is about 1 minute left to choreograph. I will be inviting all parents and family members to come and see the dance at the end of April. Stay tuned for more information.


The Scientists in school workshop was very informative and fun. The students participated in numerous hand-on activities and even made a pan flute and a quacking duck. The certainly LOVE to create music with these instruments!! Shortly after March Break we will be starting to study Light and compare it with sound. The students final task for the sound unit will be to create a new musical instrument using materials found in their home.


We are currently studying healthy eating and the importance of sleep, physical activity and fun activities. The students will be asked to keep a food and physical exercise journal after the break. In addition we will be discussing smoking and substance abuse.

Visual Arts

Here are some examples of our music "google" art from today:

See you all after the break!