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Friday, October 19, 2012

Math Update - Ms. O'Halloran

Looking at place value……

Over the next few weeks we will be extending our knowledge of place value.  Students will investigate numbers to ten thousand.
We will focus on reading, writing, comparing, ordering, and rounding numbers using hands on manipulatives and real life situations. 
Your child will also work with play money as students estimate, count, and write money amounts up to $50.
Please visit the Nelson website and link to Chapter 2 for games and mini lessons at home.

Math Vocabulary for Numeration
Ø     ones (unit)
Ø     tens (rod)
Ø     hundreds (flat)
Ø     thousands (cube)
Ø     place value
Ø     place value chart
Ø     model (draw)
Ø     standard form
Ø     expanded form
Ø     base ten blocks
Ø     number line
Ø     greater than (>)
Ø     less than (<)
Ø     round to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand
Ø     dollars
Ø     cents
Ø     bills
Ø     toonie
Ø     loonie
Ø     quarter
Ø     dime

   Here are some examples of student created numbers using manipulatives.

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