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Thursday, April 11, 2013

French Update


Please do not forget to look at your presentation calendars for your child's commercial date. So far, the new classroom tool ideas have been very creative!! Looking forward to hearing all the ideas.

Upcoming presentations:

Monday, April 15th= Brianna
Tuesday, April 16th= Xavier
Wednesday, April 17th= Olivia
Thursday, April 18th= Coby
Friday, April 19th= Taylor H

Social Studies:

Students are making final revisions on their Canada Power Point presentations. I am hoping to start the oral presentations next week. If you would like to see your child's amazing work on these projects, please send in a USB stick and I will gladly save a copy.

Medieval Times unit will start at the end of April.


Scientists in School will be in our classroom on Wednesday, April 17th for a French workshop on "Pulleys & Gears".

This workshop will run from 11:30-1:10 p.m. and again after second nutrition break from 2:00-3:00 p.m. If you would like to volunteer and have not signed up please let me know.

We are continuing to investigate how light & sound are created and the impacts they have on our lives. The students will be rotating through different experiments next week to examine multiple factors of light.


WOW!!! I am so impressed with how fast and hard the students have learned and memorized their dance routine.

We will be inviting you, your family and guests to watch the performance. I am hoping to finalize a presentation date at the beginning of May. Stay tuned for more information.

Physical Education:

Our next unit will be Track & Field events (100m, 200m, 800m, shot put, long jump, etc) as well as Touch Football. The students will be working on a variety of skills. If you are interested in volunteering during any of our physical education classes (Monday, Tuesday & Friday 1:55-2:35 p.m.) please email me at natalie.tessier@ocdsb.ca.

Please note that there will be a Track & Field day here at SPS. Date to be confirmed. It will be around the middle of May.


Students are continuing to learn about Healthy Eating habits, the importance of exercise and sleep. The students are currently creating "Cupboard Collages" in which they must organize a pantry with good choice foods and some treat choices. 

We will be attending a Dairy & Healthy Food presentation here at SPS next Thursday, April 18th from 2:00-3:00 p.m.

We will be starting our unit on Smoking & Substance Abuse at the end of April.


I will be focusing on verb conjugation and voice in writing. In reading I encourage the students to continue reading in chunks and summarize key points. This is helping them with projects and to choose whether something is interesting and/or useful.

Friday, April 19th is...CRAZY HAIR DAY!

Education Week (May 6-10th) theme this year will be....

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