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Friday, November 9, 2012


English Writing:



This past week students are writing poems about themselves following a specific pattern. Reviewing the writing process stages is natural throughout this project, and I have observed some impressive skills displayed by my awesome authors! I am writing one of my own at the same time. I am a writer, too! We are all writers. J


This week we will publish our good copies in the computer lab.

Finally, we will print these insights into our personalities and display them in the hallway outside our classroom.  


We will continue to examine, compare and contrast the character traits (ambitious, rude, energetic, determined, brave, hard-working, etc.) possessed by various characters in a book.

Author’s reveal characters and their traits in a number of different ways:


  1. Through what a character says and the way he or she says it.

  2. Through what others say about him or her.

  3. Through his or her actions.

  4. Through what he or she feels or thinks.


While reading at home, ask your child –

“What character traits does this person (character) show?” and “What have they done/said to prove they possess this character trait?”

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