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Monday, November 5, 2012

French udpate

Remembrance Day Ceremony- This Friday, November 9th our school will be having a remembrance day ceremony in the gymnasium starting at 11:45 a.m. I would kindly ask for students to wear something red. Poppies will be handed out in the morning. Donations are welcomed.

Progress Reports- Will be sent home this Thursday, November 8th.

You will find an interview form in the envelope. Please make sure to sign and return the interview form ASAP.

Animal Cards- I am almost done marking this project. I apologuze for the delay. I am hoping to send them hope later this week.

Dioramas- Most students have finished making their dioramas. They are still working on the written portion of the project as well as preparing  themselves to present this project to the class. Just a reminder that this project is to be completed entirely at school :-)

The dioramas will be on display in the hallway outside our class until November 16th. Parents if you wouldn't mind taking your child's diorama hope after interviews that would be greatly appreciated.

Physical Education- I will be sending home a rubric for your child's progress during our Basketball unit. Please read over it with your child, sign it and return it to school. Thank you!

Our next unit will be volleyball.

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